The German Cockroach (Blattella germanica) is a small species of cockroach that live throughout the United States and most of the world. They are be described as tan with 2 near black streaks behind the head down to the wings. They are not known to fly but can glide if provoked.
The German Cockroach is one of the most treated pests due to the short reproduction cycle. They grow from larva to adult in less that 60 days. Females carry on average 32 eggs while some can carry up to 50.
German Cockroaches are scavengers looking for meats, sugars and fatty foods. If there is a shortage of food they will turn to soap, glue, toothpaste (gross) and even each other if they are starving.
If you’ve seen a German Cockroach in your home it’s a good idea to have it treated right away as more are on the way or already there. Call the professional pest control experts, Housemen Pest Control for treatment options.