A healthy lawn is a beautiful lawn and a beautiful lawn. A beautiful lawn is an essential first impression for any home. A lawn is more than just an aesthetically pleasing feature of a home. Whether it’s assisting in pest prevention or it is providing a lush comfy spot to sit, your lawn is more important than you think. Part of having a healthy lawn is making sure that it gets all the nutrients it requires. At Houseman Services, our experts understand what fertilizers work best for different kinds of lawn and different times of the year. It is important for the longevity of your lawn to start and maintain the proper care.
What is Fertilizer?
As a child, fertilizer was always described to me as ‘plant food’. As a homeowner, it is important to understand that fertilizer consists of any chemical or natural substance to increase the fertility of the soil. By understanding this, fertilizer can be used as a tool to keep your lawn healthy and lush, all year round. Fertilizer can come in liquid form and granular form. Depending on the size of the lawn and the budget available, our experts at Houseman Service can help determine which fertilizer is best suited for your lawn.
What Works Best for Your Lawn?
To be able to determine what route of fertilizing works best for your lawn, you need to understand what kind of grass you are feeding. Read more about the different types of grass for your Georgia Lawn here. During the growing season, all kinds of lawns need additional nutrients. One of the main nutrients that your lawn requires is nitrogen. Depending on the kind of grass, you could require more nitrogen/fertilizer. For example, Bermuda grass requires more fertilizer than Centipede grass comparatively.
Nitrogen in Fertilizer
Being one of the main sources of nutrients for your lawn, nitrogen is a main component of fertilizer. According to experts, one pound of “actual nitrogen” should be applied per one thousand square foot of [Bermuda] grass. “Actual nitrogen” is the amount of actual concentrate nitrogen inside the fertilizer. Commonly, fertilizers referred to as “plant foods” contain more than just nitrogen. They can include other chemical nutrients and filler. By reading the bag and using basic math, you can determine the proper amount of fertilizer required for your lawn on a regular basis.
Talk To An Expert Today
At Houseman Services, we take care of your home from lawn care to pest control. We keep it safe, healthy, and beautiful for you. Our experts understand what fertilizers work best for different lawns, and we can work with any budget. This can take the guesswork out of caring for your lawn. Additionally, a properly maintained lawn can prevent weeds or pests that may cause harm to you, your family, your pets, or your home. Speak to one of our experts and you can determine how to keep your lawn healthy and give you peace of mind.
For more information call 706-769-7826 or contact us today.