“Termite tenting” is another term for termite fumigation which is usually a last resort for pest infestations.
When you have severe, widespread, partly inaccessible and/or difficult to locate drywood termite infestations, structural fumigation is recommended. Milder infestations often are treated with termiticides injected directly into the wood or localized heat treatment.
Heat Treatment
Heat treatment uses heat instead of chemical gas to kill the termites in your home. Again, the house is sealed off completely with a “tent” but instead of being filled with insecticide it is filled with heat that the termites cannot withstand.
Tent Fumigation
When infestation is so severe especially in inaccessible area, tent fumigation is the only option. Termites are able to live in areas that we don’t necessarily see such as walls, beams, and underneath floorboards.
The gas reaches every area and deeply penetrates its wood structures where termites live and feed during a tent fumigation. Once the home is completely aerated and cleared properly, it leaves behind no residue on household items.
Homeowner should be aware of the details involved in the process:
- Inconvenient since the property must be vacated.
- Can be expensive.
- Lots of prep work – must remove occupants, pets, medicine, food, plants, open containers, and cosmetics.
- All flames must be extinguished, including pilot lights of water heaters, gas refrigerators, ranges, ovens, broilers, etc. Gas service must be disconnected.
- It is not a prevention method. It does not offer protection against future colonies of termites.
- Pest control expert needs to test each room to make sure the house has been aerated properly before re-entry.
How long does it take?
The length of time required for a fumigation varies. The fumigation process can take anywhere from six hours to one week. It depends on the size of the house, level and type of infestation, dosage, temperature and other factors.
Non-Fumigation Solutions
The two most predominant methods outside of fumigation are heat and liquid pesticide treatments. Both are similar to fumigation.
Heat-based treatments which requires tenting have proven to be effective against termite swarms. Heating raises the temperature of the wood throughout a home to 120-130 degrees for a minimum of 35-60 minutes. It is effective when localized colonies can be identified. It can cause damage to heat sensitive belongings (electronics, vinyl, beauty supplies, wiring, furniture, etc.) so they need to be removed prior to the process.
Liquid Pesticide Treatments
These are actually spot Treatments which Involve drilling multiple holes into the infested areas of flooring and walls so that a termiticide can be injected. Treatment provides lasting effects for protection against future swarms. No tent is required for this treatment.
If you see any signs of termites, call a professional pest control company sooner than later to handle it for you? If you wait, an entire colony can take over and you won’t have options at that point.
Houseman is the only complete service company in the Athens, GA area. We provide Weed control, fertilization, shrub care, mulch & pine straw, sod, annual plantings, irrigation, and commercial & residential lawn maintenance. We are also state certified and licensed in wood destroying organisms (termite control), household pest control, public heath, and turf & ornamental weed control. We are licensed to control and treat mosquitoes, termites, all pest problems and turf & ornamental weed control. Contact the professionals at Houseman Services and set up a free inspection of your yard. We have been servicing homes and businesses in the Athens, Clarke County area since 1985!