At Houseman Services, during the year, we use seven necessary treatments to make sure your lawn looks fantastic all year round. You can reference our “7 Steps to a Beautiful Lawn” formula. Our lawn technicians are trained to identify your type of lawn and what products and services need to be used.
Depending on where you are with your fertilizer steps, you may need to use Round 3 for April – May or Round 4 for May – June. Here is a description of both:
Round 3 April-May
With the onset of warmer temperatures, we apply a granular slow-release fertilizer to enhance the color of your lawn. Broadleaf and grassy weed controls are applied as needed. We highly recommend that you core-aerate your lawn.
Round 4 May-June
We apply another granular slow-release fertilizer to help all warm-season lawns maintain color and growth. Broadleaf and grassy weed controls are applied as needed. Regular mowing and watering are the keys to maintaining a green, healthy lawn during this time of season
It is also time to think about liming your grass. It only needs to be applied every couple of years if your soil is acid. The right time to put down lime is any time of the year except when the lawn is frozen. Aerating the lawn first and then applying the lime aid absorption and allows the lime to reach deeper into the soil. Adding lime can help restore the pH balance and promote a healthier lawn. Common symptoms of low pH include loss of color, reduced vigor, and diminished ability to recover from heat and drought stress.
Lime Test
A soil test will let you know exactly how much to apply. If you cannot do a soil test, then use 15 to 20 pounds of lime per 100 square feet of your lawn, which is a general use amount. Try the pelletized lime while is less messy and easier to apply.
Why Use Lime?
The most common method of changing the pH of the soil is by adding lime. Soil pH is a measure of soil alkalinity or acidity. A pH of 7.0 is neutral. Anything below 7.0 is acidic, and anything above is alkaline. Most lawns grow best with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. If a soil tests lower than 5.5, it likely will benefit from added lime.
Contact Houseman Services at 866-964-PEST as soon as possible so we can treat your property?
Houseman Services is the only complete service company in the Athens, GA area. We provide Weed control, fertilization, shrub care, mulch & pine straw, sod, annual plantings, irrigation, and commercial & residential lawn maintenance. We are also state certified and licensed in wood destroying organisms (termite control), household pest control, public health, and turf & ornamental weed control. We are licensed to control and treat mosquitoes, termites, all pest problems and turf & ornamental weed control. Contact the professionals at Houseman Services and set up a free inspection of your yard. We have been servicing homes and businesses in the Athens, Clarke County area since 1985!